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Generosity Challenge UpStreet

UpStreet's Generosity Challenge

UpStreet Kids can be part of something Big

Our whole church is working together to be generous and do something big. God wants us to have a generous heart that does good and helps others. We want kids all over the world to have churches like ours and places like UpStreet so they can know how much God loves them. And UpStreet kids, you can be a part of it with UpStreet’s Generosity Challenge.

Check out this podcast on how to teach your kids about money.

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March 1 Timothy 6:18 Verse Cling

UpStreet's Verse Cling

Learn it, Lock it, Live it.

Learn It. Put this verse somewhere your family can see everyday.

Lock It. Say the verse to each other every morning as a way to set your intention of being generous all day long!  

Live It. This month your kids will get a cling and money pouch, so they can be a part of UpStreet’s Generosity Challenge! 

Verse clings are available on UpStreet.

february car tag

UpStreet's Car Tag

Make time in the car matter.

We know great conversations can happen in the car. So, hang this car tag in your car to help your kids learn whether you have a little or a lot, God cares most that you have a generous heart toward others.

Car tags are available on UpStreet.