Watch Messages
Andy Stanley
Apr-May 2021
People whose faith leads them to trust God in spite of their circumstances are the deepest people you’ll ever meet. In this series, we...
People whose faith leads them to trust God in spite of their circumstances are the deepest people you’ll ever meet. In this series, we will explore five catalysts God uses to build enduring, go-the-distance faith.
Andy Stanley
Mar 2021
As children, many of us were taught to say our prayers. As we get older, we wonder, why should I pray? How should I pray? Does praying...
As children, many of us were taught to say our prayers. As we get older, we wonder, why should I pray? How should I pray? Does praying even work? Those questions deserve grown-up answers.
Tensley Alm
Feb 2021
We know when we need it. And we know when we've lost it. But it can be hard to define. We're spending three weeks talking about HOPE....
We know when we need it. And we know when we've lost it. But it can be hard to define. We're spending three weeks talking about HOPE. What it is. What it isn't. And how to hold on to it when you feel it slipping away.
Stuart Hall
Nov 29, 2020
When life doesn’t go as planned, it’s tempting to have doubts about our faith and miss out on the fullness of life. But what makes faith...
When life doesn’t go as planned, it’s tempting to have doubts about our faith and miss out on the fullness of life. But what makes faith fall apart isn’t doubt—it’s being too certain of the wrong things.
Andy Stanley with Stuart and Kellee Hall
Jul 12, 2020
When tragedy strikes, it's natural to ask the question Why me? The harder and more unnatural question is How can I make this matter?