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What Our World Needs Now

Andy Stanley, Krista Glasscock, Joel Thomas, Steven Lee, Elaine Scott and April Farmer
Apr-Jun 2024

What the world needs isn't necessarily more people who claim to be spiritual. It needs Jesus followers who are all headed toward one...

Money Talks

Andy Stanley
Nov 2023

If our money could talk, what would it tell us? You might be shocked to find that what our money would say is pretty close to what Jesus...

Fatal Distractions

Joel Thomas
Oct 2023

Jesus came that we might discover “life to the full,” while the enemy plots to steal, kill, and destroy. Many often miss out on this...

Made For More

Steven Lee
Sep 2023

Decatur City Church is big enough to make a difference, but small enough to be your family. Life is better together!


Andy Stanley
Aug-Sep 2023

In the first century, the cross was a symbol of suffering and shame. In this series, we’ll talk about how it now represents an empowering...
