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Christmas at Decatur City 2020

Andy Stanley
Dec 20, 2020

We all look for meaning in even the most random events—especially the negative events. The Christmas story is a reminder that sometimes...

One Thing is For Certain

Stuart Hall
Nov 29, 2020

When life doesn’t go as planned, it’s tempting to have doubts about our faith and miss out on the fullness of life. But what makes faith...

Don't Settle For Christian

Andy Stanley
Jul 05, 2020

Becoming a Christian is easy. It won't cost you anything. But Jesus never invited anyone to become a Christian. He invites us to follow.

From the Garden

Tensley Alm
May 2020

Spring is here, but it's unlike any spring we've experienced. In fact, the disruptions to our world have forced us to face some really...

The Messy Middle

Andy Stanley
Apr 2020

There are difficult seasons of life you can't pray away, obey away, or faith away. But there is a way. It begins with the end in mind.
