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Modern Men & Our Ancient Scripts

Andy Stanley
Jun 2024

Whether it’s learned from culture or learned from our families, men have a picture of what masculinity is. In this series, we’ll uncover...


Andy Stanley
Aug-Sep 2023

In the first century, the cross was a symbol of suffering and shame. In this series, we’ll talk about how it now represents an empowering...

Count Me In for the Next Gen!

Andy Stanley
Mar 19, 2023

In order to maximize our potential and fulfill our mission as a church, everyone should serve somewhere.

A Conversation with Steven Lee and Andy Stanley

Andy Stanley
Oct 09, 2022

Andy Stanley interviews Decatur City's new lead pastor, Steven Lee.

You'll Be Glad You Did

Andy Stanley and Elaine Scott
Aug-Sep 2022

Good decisions get us where we want to go, and wisdom fills the gaps when we're wondering what do to.
